How to Earn Black Money, Earn Under Table Money, Ways

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It is very easy to earn money by doing under-table work because such works are not done in any pressure, it requires least hard work, only work from mind is involved and you get to earn extremely lot by working in this way. People earn millions of rupees by doing such works and living a lavish life.

Today with the help of this article we’ll understand How to Earn Black Money and How to Earn Under Table Money.

How to Earn Black Money

To earn two number money, you have to do Illegal works which are legally considered as crime. For such businesses you can be sentenced to jail, depending on the type of crime you committed.

Selling Stolen Mobile Phones

Nowadays, the most common 2-number work is to sell stolen mobile phones. Almost every 100th person knowingly or unknowingly buys and sells stolen mobile.

Some people are so expert in this type of businesses that you will never be able to identify whether they are actually selling old phones or its a stolen phone.

How Stolen Mobile Phones Are Sold

People who sell stolen mobiles already had a deal from all the shopkeepers of that particular area. Whenever any thief steals someone’s mobile phone, firstly he removes its SIM card.

After then, one by one rest of the data and things are removed so that it can’t be identified ever. Previously mobile phones were caught by their IMEI number.

But Nowadays people are smart and knowledgeable, so they use certain software and tricks to change its IMEI as well. Once, the IMEI of a device is also changed, now it can’t be tracked ever.

There are many thieves who work all alone. They do not have any companion nor any partner to share their profit, so they earn more rather than, those who work in groups.

First, they steal the phone, break its SIM card, format the phone forcefully and keep it switched off then months later sell it in the market low price.

Nowadays, smartphones are more expensive and are generally not easy for thieves to sell. Then the parts of such phones are removed and sold in market individually. In this way, even the most expensive mobile phones can easily be sold in the market and no one could ever track them.

In today’s time, it is too easy to sell and buy stolen mobiles than to track them. So its better to be aware of such possibilities and also install some 3rd party apps so that you can track your device in time before its too late.

How Stolen Laptops Are Sold

After mobile phones, the next very much profitable business is selling stolen Laptops and Hardware. Even Google is unable to estimate the number of such stolen products around the world.

The biggest weakness of such devices is that there is no tracking system in them. When phones with all such security and tracking devices can not be recovered, then it is impossible to find and recover these expensive laptops.

The biggest problem with a second-hand laptop is that its parts are sold the most. The demand for laptop parts remains the highest in the market and taking advantage of this, thieves sell your laptop parts.

Even if thieves do not sell the parts of your laptop, they can still use your laptop because there is no tracking system in your laptop so that you can track it.

How Stolen Bikes Are Sold

Selling stolen bikes is one of the number 2 activities which is increasing rapidly. Today in every city and town someone’s bike is stolen and sold in just matter of seconds.

Well selling stolen bikes is not that easy because it is not easily sold like mobile phones but yet its parts are definitely sold the most.

Stolen bikes are also sold many times in which people luckily find modified and colored bikes, and in the same way, they are sold and bought from one region to other.

How Stolen Cars Are Sold

After the bikes, the most stolen things imported are cars. Thieves sell them after stealing from the market. The problem with the stolen car is, it is rarely sold directly in the market rather it is sold more after modification. The spare parts of the cars are also sold rapidly in the market.

Well, the car is not such a small thing that can be easily stolen and sold. For this, the thief in market mostly prefers to get a bike, mobile and laptop. There is more profit in selling these small hardware rather than selling a car.

According to an estimate, the income of a middle-class person for 6 months is equal to the total income of a thief stealing a car and earning by selling it.

How to Sell Diesel and Petrols Under Table

Before the invention of mobile phones, laptops etc. The most stolen product was diesel and petrol. Stealing of these oils are hardly known in today’s era, but this is such a work that every petty thief must have done.

Yes, Nowadays also this work is done by few thieves who are not that much deducted to steal a mobile phone. It was the time in robbery history when thieves used to earn a lot of money by selling petrol and diesel oils.

But now thieves usually steal mobile phones and other things.

Note: Now, you are enough aware of How to Earn Money Under Table and you are also aware of the fact that most people in the world earn money honestly by working hard all day.

Earning money by doing such work is never treated as reputable job. You get to earn a lot of money by this way but once you are caught you will be sentenced to jail for life long.

You should always keep in mind that Bad Deeds Always Leads to Bad Consequences.

So, if you really want to spoil both your name and life by earning money then go and start doing such wrong things thinking that you can earn money by doing many types of business or jobs or even doing small work.

I hope, you have completely Read the article about How to Earn Black Money.

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