How to Get a Job in South Korea, Accountant, Helper, Salary

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Everyone wants to work while living abroad because of very good salary, better work environment and for better work-life balance.

People go to different countries for jobs and get good salaries. This is because, in those countries, the value of their country’s currency is higher than their own’s country.

Today we’ll know How to Get Job in South Korea and What Are Requirements to Apply for Job in Korea in detail.

We’ll also try to solve your other job-related queries such as: How to get accountant job in South Korea, How to do helper job, How to get hotel job, How to get driver job, How can I get South Korea work visa etc in detail.

So, let’s start the article….

How to Get Job in South Korea

To work in South Korea, you must first learn Korean Language. If you can’t learn, then it will be very problematic for you to communicate in that country.

To work here, you must know how to speak, write and understand Korean language. To Learn this language you can either join any coaching or you can enroll in any online language teaching class.

After this, you will also need passport to migrate to South Korea. If you do not have passport, then first apply for it.

Till the time your passport is made you have to find a job for job visa. Without offer letter or any currently working job, you can’t apply for job visa.

To get a job in South Korea, you can try following ways:

  • Keep tracking the official website of South Korean companies. There are many companies that usually keep on updating their careers website frequently based on their needs.
    • You can directly apply to these companies for the open posts. If your resume gets selected, then your interview is scheduled and you have to pass the tests.
  • Apart from this, you can also take the help of Google’s job platform or various online job portals such as: LinkedIn, Indeed, Shine, Naukari etc.

Once you get the offer letter and passport, you can apply for job visa very easily. If the company is reputated enough then they will call you by themselves on the basis of temporary visa.

What are the Best Jobs in South Korea

The best jobs available in South Korea are:

  • Teacher
  • Nurse
  • Doctor
  • Engineer
  • Developer
  • Designer
  • Artist
  • Chief
  • Helper
  • Driver
  • Software Developer
  • Mechanical Engineer
  • Electric Engineer
  • Accountant
  • Hotel Management etc.

These are few job positions, which is easily available in South Korea. These jobs also include a very good salary and they even provide enough living expenses.

What are the Best Jobs in South Korea

You do not have to face any trouble in finding any job in South Korea if you understand the Korean language very well. To apply for any job in South Korea, you have to be experienced in any one field.

For experience, you will first need to work in any company nearest to you. It even depends on the skill for which you are finding job.

If the skill for which you are looking for, already very common in market then it will be very hard for you to find any job. But if the skill is currently new in market and more companies are trying to shift their technology to that, then you can get job very easily and you will also get to learn a lot.

Once you have a very good experience in that particular field, then any company can provide you with the job. Many companies can even hire you on higher hikes and even with better facilities.

For learning, you can also take help of various online platforms related to that field. Such as: Coursera, Udemy, Un-Academy, Byjus, etc.

How to Apply for Visa in South Korea

If you want to work in South Korea, then you have to apply for work visa. For working in South Korea, you will need E7 Visa.

To get you work visa, you can either contact South Korean embassy or you can apply for visa through online portal.

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How to Get Accountant Job in South Korea

If you want accountant job in South Korea, then you must first have accounts management-related work experience of at least 7 to 8 years.

If you are good at accounts-related work, then you can easily get job in South Korea. If you don’t have much knowledge then you can apply to any online teaching platform or join any offline coaching.

Now for getting job, you can try following ways:

  • You can, firstly take help of any consultancy agency that can provide you accountant job in South Korea. Since these agencies working for them for many years, so they have enough contacts to get you enrolled as accountant in any company.
    • These agencies will just charge you some consultancy charges, but you will surely get job offer letter and your temporary visa with their help.
  • If you don’t trust such agencies, then you can use various online job portals for finding job in Korea. Once, your resume is selected further information will be conveyed to you.

You can also check out the button below for getting job.

How to Get Helper Job in South Korea

The work of a helper is always required in every reputed company, If you want to work as helper in any South Korean company, then the requirement for this position is in demand.

For this, you don’t need to be much educated. The only thing you must know and understand is Korean language. After this, you can easily get job in any company around South Korea.

Now for getting job as a helper, you can try following ways:

  • You can, firstly take help of any consultancy agency that can provide helper job in South Korea. Since these agencies working for them for many years, so they have enough contacts to get you enrolled as helper in any company.
    • These agencies will just charge you some consultancy charges, but you will surely get job offer letter and your temporary visa with their help.
  • If you don’t trust such agencies, then you can use various online job portals for finding job in Korea. Once, your resume is selected, then further information will be conveyed to you.

You can also check out the button below for getting job.

How to Get Hotel Job in South Korea

If you have ever done a hotel management course or you have working experience in hotel management, then you can easily get job in South Korea. There are too many hotels in which such vacancies always keep on opening out.

For getting job, you can try following ways:

  • You can, firstly take help of any consultancy agency that can provide you hotel management job in South Korea. Since these agencies working for them for many years, so they have enough contacts to get you enrolled as Receptionist or manager in any available hotel.
    • These agencies will just charge you some consultancy charges, but you will surely get job offer letter and your temporary visa with their help.
  • If you don’t trust such agencies, then you can use various online job portals for finding job in Korea. Once, your resume is selected then further information will be conveyed to you.

You can also check out the button below for getting job.

How to Get Driver Job in South Korea

If you know driving and you can drive vehicles very well ranging from 2-wheelers to very large 8/10-wheelers, then you can easily get job in South Korea.

The demand for drivers in South Korea is also very high. This is the reason, you can get driver’s job very easily in South Korea. For driving, you just have to understand the road sign language and driving vehicles from the right side of the vehicle.

For getting job, you can try following ways:

  • You can, firstly take help of any consultancy agency that can provide you driver job in South Korea. Since these agencies working for them for many years, so they have enough contacts to get you enrolled as driver in any firm.
    • These agencies will just charge you some consultancy charges, but you will surely get job offer letter and your temporary visa with their help.
  • If you don’t trust such agencies, then you can use various online job portals for finding job in Korea. Once, your resume is selected then further information will be conveyed to you.

You can also check out the button below for getting job.

Total Expense to Visit South Korea

The total cost of going to South Korea is around ₹20,000 to ₹23,000 [$280 – $350] per person, which includes your Visa and Plane Tickets. Along with this, you also get food on the flight.

I hope, you have completely Read the article about How to Get Job in South Korea.

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