How to Start Pulses Business, License, Investment, Profit, Loss

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Everyone nowadays is fond of tasty and high-protein food. For this, pulses are one of the protein-rich food which is used in almost everyone’s house on daily basis.

As per studies, it is found that maximum protein is found in pulses that’s why people use it enough in their daily meals.

There is a lot of demand for pulses in the market due to which people wander a lot in search of best quality pulses. If you also start same business, then you can easily generate a lot of profit from this business very easily.

So, in today’s article, we’ll understand How to Start Pulses Business and What Are the Requirements to Start this Business in detail.

How to Start Pulses Business

To start pulses business, first of all, you have to decide which pulses you want to sell. If you start the business of all types of pulses all together then you can get really a huge profit from it. To start this business, you will first need to arrange a place to start your shop. After this, you will need to contact current dealers and brokers who can help you in buying bulk of pulses to start your business.

Apart from this, you can also contact different farmers to buy their grains at cheap rates. Once the agreement is fixed with multiple farmers, then you have to arrange transportation department to import pulses from their fields to your shop.

In the meanwhile, you will also need to contact sack dealers to buy bundles of sacks at cheap rates. Once the batch of pulses reach your store, you can start selling these in two ways:

  • In bulk to small retailers.
  • In open to monthly/ quarterly customers.

In this way, you can start this business very easily and start generating in millions.

How to Select a Location for Pulses Business

To start Pulses Business, you have to decide a place where huge crowd of people keeps visiting. You can see places like nearby malls, nearby business parks, within the city, nearby traffic signals, wholesale markets etc. for this type of business.

The more people will notice your Pulses business the more they buy from you. You can start Pulses business at any of the above-mentioned places. So that you will never need to close your business.

Registration & License for Pulses Business

For starting Pulses Business given licenses and registrations are must. These are required registration & license details starting Pulses Business:

  • Current Account (For Business Transactions).
  • Shop License (Gumasta License).
  • MSME Registration
  • Udyog Aadhar
  • FSSAI License

If you want to run your Pulse Business hassle-free, without any legal actions, then you need to get these licenses before starting your business.

How to Open Current Account for Pulses Business

To receive payment under your Pulses Business you must have a current account. For opening a current account for your Pulses Business you will need a shop license.

These are a few reliable global banks for opening business current accounts:

  • SBI Bank
  • ICICI Bank
  • HDFC Bank
  • BOI Bank
How to Get Shop License for Pulses Business

To get shop license for your Pulses Business you have to first select a location for selling Pulses. If you’re renting any market place then, you will require a rent agreement where your Pulses Business name should be mentioned.

Once you get that place, you have to get a banner for your Pulses that has your business name and address on it. A copy of your rental agreement and a photo of your business with the banner is enough for getting a shop license.

  • To get a Gumasta license, you have to first go to the official website of your state or you can simply visit the nearby office.
  • After that, you have to register your business there.
  • After a few days of registering, your Pulses Business Gumasta license comes to your house.
How to Get an MSME Certificate for Pulses Business

To register your Pulses Business under govt. Policies and their scheme, you can register under MSME facilities.

MSME stands for Micro, Small Medium, and Enterprises. It is a type of enterprise managing government that helps you to get govt. loan strategies and concessions etc.

To get your own MSME certificate for your Pulses Business you can go to the website and apply for MSME certificate.

How to Get FSSAI License for Pulses Business

To start Pulses Business you must owe FSSAI License.

FSSAI License Stands for the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India. This license provides you the approval for the good of edible products sold by you.

FSSAI License is not required for businesses that have an annual turnover of less than Rs. 12 lakhs [$1499] or if their production capacity falls below 100 kgs per month.

Such businesses only require an FSSAI Registration. Vending edible goods without FSSAI License is a punishable offense.

For starting your Pulses Business, this license is the first document that must be approved. To get your Pulses Business FSSAI License you can simply log on to the website and start selling your Pulses.

How to Get Udyog Aadhaar Certificate for Pulses Business

To get a loan for your Pulses Business from govt. You should first, register your business as udyog aadhaar certified. It will help you to apply easily for any govt- loan scheme and get subsidies in the form of bank loans.

To get a udyog aadhaar certificate for your Pulses Business you log on to the Website And apply for the Udyog Aadhaar Certificate.

After reading this, you can apply to get a shop license for your Pulses Business. Now, If you do not have money to start this business then you can take a loan for your business.

Loan Against Pulses Business

In the business of Pulses, the investment cost is very low, you just have to arrange supplies of Pulses and an open marketplace from where people can buy Pulses from you.

The price of supplies will cost you around $19 – $1599 (Rs. 999/- to Rs. 1,00,000/-).

To get Pulses Business loan, you can apply in any type of finserve service or bank. Many countries even accept Gold Loans on behalf of repayment references.

To get loan for your Pulses Business, you will have to give the necessary information in your loan file, Such as your needs and how much money you require, the time of repayment, etc. Then you have to deposit your file in the department.

As soon as your loan is passed, all the money will be deposited into your bank account.

How to Advertise Pulses Business

Marketing of a business plays the most important role in running any business. If you market your business properly, then you get a lot of profit from it.

If you want to advertise your Pulses Business, you have two ways for this:

  • First of all, you have to contact your nearby shopkeepers and tell them that you have started Pulses Business nearby.
  • If they need they can contact you at your number.
  • You can also show them few samples of Pulses.
  • You have to reach all the nearby shopkeepers and contact them.

Once you get in touch with the shopkeepers, they will buy Pulses from your shop as per their needs.

  • Apart from this, You can list yourself on a website like Indiamart, Alibaba, eBay, etc. to start your business online.
  • After that people will come to your store to buy Pulses from you.

You can also create your Pulses Business Facebook page to start online marketing. Where you can post the best photos of Pulses on your page. You can also market your business on Instagram.

You can get lots of benefits in marketing from Instagram. Because more than half of the world’s population is using Instagram.

To continue offline marketing, you can get some posters and banners related to your Pulses Business. So that the people of your local know, that you started Pulses Business.

Profit in Pulses Business

You can easily make lots of profit in this business. If you buy Pulses for business purpose, directly from farmer. If you buy it from farmers then you can easily get Pulses in around $2 (₹100) per kg. The price of Pulses in the market ranges from $3 – $40 (₹40 to ₹300) per kg.

If you sell atleast 20 kg of Pulses daily, then you can earn around $35 (₹3,000/-) of daily profit. In this way, you can easily earn around $1,100 (₹90,000/-) per month from this business.

Loss in Pulses Business

There is very less chance of loss in this business. It usually happens when Central Government increases tax or when there is case of flood or drought. After this, the shortage of Pulses occurs in market. This situation can put your business in the verge of closure. To avoid this, you can buy Pulses altogether for a year.

After which you will not have to worry about the government’s tax for the whole year. In this way, you can buy Pulses for the whole year as soon as you find any right opportunity.

The government also cannot keep increasing the tax on it for a long time because 60% of India’s population is dependent on the pulses business. If this business stops in one go, 40% of people around the globe will start starving.

Hoping, you have completely read the article about How to Start Pulses Business.

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